Come follow our journey to creating a family through adoption!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

And here's to our next journey - a family of 4!!!

I can't believe it's been 3 months since I have blogged last but a lot has happened in the last 13 weeks. Jack is going to be a big brother! Yes we are pregnant! God definately had a plan in store for us to become a family - just didn't know He would bump us to a family of four all within a year. January 11th we are expecting our new bundle of joy and we are so excited! Miracles do happen I guess!

Meanwhile Jack is continuing to grow and change like never before. He is very good at constantly babbling and trying to talk to everything around him. He loves his baby Bumbo seat and activity walker. He thinks he is hot stuff as he becomes older. He also has started cereal which he LOVES! But he has always been a great eater since birth! I am looking forward to many other milestones that Jack will meet in the next year. I can't believe he is going to be 6 months this month. Time flies by so fast. Well this is the end of this blog but the beginning of a new one yet to be created.... Family of 4 Please?! will debut later this month so we hope you can join me there. I will post the link as soon as I get it up and running! :) Thank you all for your support as we went through this journey to become a family! We can't imagine life without Jack - he is the most amazing thing in our lives and we are so proud that God has entrusted him to us.

Monday, April 23, 2012

3 Months already?!!!!

Jack turned 3 months old on April 20th! Can you believe it?! It is so hard to believe it's already been 3 months. He is growing so much and is changing every day. Everytime we blink he has changed it seems. On his 3 month birthday I called the doctor to see if I could bring him in to get him weighed and measured for his baby book. They laughed and asked if this was my first baby! I said yes and they commented many new moms want their babies weighed every month with their first. I couldn't believe how big Jack was when we weighed him ---- 13 lbs. He was measuring at 24 inches in length! Such a big boy and good eater - up to 5 oz. every 3.5 hours. However he is sleeping from 9:00PM to 4:30AM without any wakeups! (crossing my fingers this continues).

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Growing up so fast!!!!

Jack is developing and growing so fast it's almost hard to believe!!! At his last doctor's appointment (2 mos. checkup) he weighed 10lbs 12 oz and was 23.5 inches long!!! Jack is lifting his head completely on his own on his tummy and looks around the room even. He has started smiling and occasionally giggling.

Jack's First Smile - I actually caught it on camera!!!!

2 months old today! March 20,2012
Jack turned 2 months old on March 20 and it was a great day! Mommy (me) made a lemon cheesecake tart from the Martha Stewert show to celebrate. Unfortunately Jack had a doctor's visit that ended in 3 shots, but he did very well. Only cried for 3 minutes and calmed down with some cuddling from Mommy!!! We came home and he wanted to be in his swing....then he slept....he slept... and slept... and slept some more!!! Grandma Wurmnest and Aunt Jenna came down for dinner since Daddy was in Joliet for training and he even slept through their visit!!!

9 weeks old in my chair!

10 weeks old today! (Look - I'm Mike Wizowski!)

We have been spending a lot of time outside this week because it has been unusually warm for this time of year - 89 degrees on Sunday!!! We got the hammock out and rocked in it - Jack likes the hammock! We also bought a new jogger stroller for outdoor use and we LOVE it!! Jack and I try to go on at least 1 if not 2 walks a day (weather permitting)! Jack likes the outdoors and sleeps really well after being outside!

in my new stroller on a walk

I love being outside on the hammock - even with this giant sun hat on my head!
Jack got his first pictures taken with a professional photographer - Lindsey K! She did Mommy and Daddy's wedding pictures. I can't wait to see how they turned out but I did get some pictures during the photo shoot on my camera to share until the professional ones come in! Here are some samples....

Easter Sunday is coming up quickly this week and Jack's Easter basket is full!!! We have his Easter outfit already and can't wait to see it on him! We did visit the Easter Bunny yesterday at the Hickory Point Mall and it was quite fun (for Mommy anyways)! Jack did very well and just kind of chilled out in the Easter Bunny's arms this year!

Jack's First picture with the Easter Bunny 2012!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Working with the Baby Whisperer!

Several of my friends have talked about the book "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer." So I decided to buy a copy on ebay. WOW! This book is amazing and compliments the Babywise book I had read 2 weeks ago. Jack and I started putting some of this into practice yesterday and we got great naps, great feeds, and a very happy baby ALL DAY LONG! :) I feel like I am connecting more to Jack by communicating with him on a different level - figuring out his cues, body language, and cries!
My two amazing books about babies!

Jack is growing so much day by day and it just amazes me how fast it all goes! Last week we went to the doctor and he recommended gas drops for a while if Jack has trouble burping after a feeding. However that wasn't going very well either - so we started Jack on probiotics which is 100% natural and seems to be working. If it didn't work the doctor wanted to put him on a Soy-based formula instead - hopefully we won't have to do that but if we do - we do.
At that doctor's appointment they weighed Jack and he was 9 lbs 2 oz. and 21.5 inches long! He is growing so much! We have moved him into almost all 0-3 month clothing and he has moved into size 1 diapers! :) Time flies when you're having fun I guess!
Amused with my Discovery playmat!

Getting an opinion of my own

Reading with Mommy!

Bathtime with Mommy in my new Pooh robe and slippers!

Napping with Daddy!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Becoming a Mom....

It's officially happened... I finally feel like I have crossed over to Mommy-hood! Jack and I have our daytime routines including feeding, activity time, and naptime! Jack LOVES his new activity/discovery mat by Baby Einstein! He has become so much more active in the past week or so! He loves the mirror and rattles on the activity mat! He can even lift his head to a certain degree! WOW!
Tummy time!

My mommy instincts are kicking in as well. Jack has been more fussy after eating and I have this feeling it's his tummy. No matter how long, which postition, etc we burp him in he still won't burp consistently each feeding. So we have been using infant gas drops when needed and they help a little, but I am taking him to the doctor today to make sure it's not acid reflux. I hope not - but I want Jack to feel better!

Here are some great pictures from my 4 days at my grandparents house!

Bathtime at Grandma and Grandpa Waughop's House

With great-aunt Betty, Grandma Waughop, and great-aunt Terry

With Great-Grandpa Aupperle!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ah the joys of parenthood...

Jack turned a month old yesterday! I can't believe he is already that old - seems like we just went to Memphis the other day! Time flies when you are having fun!

Thinking in my Thinking Chair...

Ready for my close-up

We tried to see how long Jack would sleep at night without us waking him up every 3 1/2 to 4 hours - He went about 5 on his own but his schedule got majorly messed up. He got crankier and wouldn't take more than a 45 minute nap, etc. So I have begun reading BabyWise. Today we established a routine that works for Jack much better. He has been napping for 1.5 hours so far and still going. I am not as interested in the feeding routine as much as the sleeping routine. I had been doing something completely backwards - naptime after active/awake time instead of naptime after feeding. He did much better with this routine. The home study agency is coming today for post-placement home study visit #1. Gotta finish picking up before they get here!

Hanging out with Mommy before bedtime!

I look so cute in my hoodie!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Jack's Neverland Nursery

Mobile Mommy made for me - over the changing table
My crib and rocking chair

The beginning of my library of books!

My nursery
Peter Pan Wall Decal over my crib